Australia, one of the most popular study destinations

Studying in Australia is above all about exploring a country rich in opportunities! Study, work or and enjoy a personal adventure. The cost of the visa, and the possibility to work while you’re studying make Australia a destination of choice. However, you should first be well informed if you want to turn this experience into a real success!

Australia’s top universities are ranked among the best 50 in the world. It’s a big enough reason for you to study there. Regardless of the their ranking or your field of study, Australian universities consistently rank high in terms of quality of education, global exams standards, student satisfaction, and international prestige.

The latest QS ranking (2018-19) lists 8 Australian universities, among the top 100 universities in the world

Depending on your field of study, there is a good chance you’ll find at least 3 Australian institutions among the top 50 universities in academic fields such as Humanities and Social Sciences, Technology and Engineering, Life Sciences, Medicine or Business.

In Australia, university campuses are like villages where you can find all the necessary services for students; insurance companies, cafeterias, travel agencies, cultural and social clubs, psychological counselors, etc.

Australian teaching methods are significantly different than most other countries. They are marked by a research-type approach to studying. They’re focused on autonomy, interactivity and the promotion of critical thinking.

In Australia, a Bachelor’s degree requires an average 25 hour work week and a Master, 15 hours. It is a great opportunity for students to study and work at the same time, as long as they organize their time well.

Whether it’s Australian web training, medical studies, or engineering courses, diplomas awarded by Australia’s top-ranked universities are recognized worldwide. Many Australian degrees are also accredited by professional organizations such as in engineering, business management, communication, or statistics.

Australian universities do their best to help student integration. Reverse pedagogy frees up enough time every day for extracurricular activities. Depending on its size, a university usually hosts between 200 and 500 cultural and sports clubs. You can even create your own club.

Next to its quality, the main advantage of the Australian university degree structure is that it’s very flexible and offers multiple entry points, at all levels, in all disciplines.

Students interested to study in Australian universities and Technical Institutes are often overwhelmed by the number of choices available.

Australian curricula and qualifications prepare well for personal development and employability Most importantly, Australian degrees are highly searched by international employers.

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