Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, it is known as the second driest country in the world. However, there are still a variety of climates in the country as it is huge. So if you are planning a trip to this destination, you should be prepared for these different climates, but especially for the heat in some areas.

The different Australian climates?

Australia is a large country located in the southern hemisphere. Unlike France which is in the northern hemisphere, the climates in the two countries are not at all similar. This country is famous for its warmth and vastness. In fact, it is 14 times the size of France, which means that its climate varies from one region to another. It then depends on the area you are in. However, there are some similarities with the area. In this country, there are three kinds of climatic zones. To begin with, the tropical zone in the north. In the north, the Australian climate is difficult to live in, especially for tourists. Indeed, it is sometimes very hot and the rains are also very abundant, which makes it often difficult. Then, the arid zone for the center and the west, here the rains are low and the nights are often very cold, but the day is hot. So it's varied. Finally, the temperate climate in the south and east, the summer is hot and the winter is normal, but in the east the temperature is higher.

What are the different seasons in Australia?

In Australia the seasons are reversed to that of the northern hemisphere. In France and in some similar countries, Christmas means: snow, cold, etc. However, in this country, Christmas is celebrated in the middle of summer. So, spending this holiday in Australia can be a bit weird. So if you decide to spend December 26th there, you say goodbye to the white snowman. Australia is one of the countries with high temperatures, so you have to be prepared before going there. You should know that Australia has the four seasons in the south, east and west, which are as follows: Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Spring is from September to November. Summer is from December to February, which is why the Christmas period is warm. Autumn from March to May and winter from June to August. For the northern part, there are only two seasons, the dry and the wet season. So autumn and winter are non-existent in this part. The wet season is from October to March and the dry season from April to September. So the Australian climate in the north is not cold.

When is it necessary to travel to Australia?

Are you planning to travel to Australia? Then you have to choose your time carefully. However, you should know that Australians are on holiday from December until January. So during this period there are a lot of vacationers. Holidaymakers mean that prices are on the rise during this period, so you need to plan a good budget if you travel between these months. For those who like to make the most of the summer, the weather is always nice and warm in some parts of Australia. You just have to choose the right moment according to the activity you want to do. On the other hand, if you came here to ski, then you should plan your holiday from June to August in the South. This is the right time to go skiing, as it is winter. However, if you don't like humidity and strong heat, it is better to avoid going north, as the rain is very heavy there. But if you still want to visit the north, you can go there from May to September, you will avoid humidity.

How do you prepare for the climate and weather in Australia?

So how to blend in with the Australian climate? If you decide to spend a holiday in this country, you should quickly get used to the fact that it is always warm. Indeed, the sun is always present, so you should prepare yourself to survive with this weather. For your luggage then, you should bring light clothing such as shorts, T-shirts, light tops. On the other hand, if you are going skiing or for the cold spells in the evening, take warm clothes anyway. But for the summer, you need light clothes and don't forget your swimsuit. The sun often hits very hard in Australia, as it can sometimes reach 50° and even more. You should therefore think about protecting yourself with hats, sunscreen and T-shirts. Indeed, the Australian sun often damages the skin, which often leads to skin problems. Also remember to moisturize yourself often with this hot climate.