Australia is a very appreciated country for university studies or training. To benefit from studying in this country, it is necessary to follow some of the procedures to study in Australia. Before leaving for this country, it is necessary to know the modality of registration in the university to be chosen. What are the strong points of Australia? Why choose an Australian university? How to choose your future institution?

Australia, a destination of choice for your university years

Being 15 times larger than France, Australia is one of the most popular destinations for students from all over the world. Located in the southern hemisphere, this country offers the best possible change of scenery if you want to cross the French territory in search of a place to live. Before detailing the steps to study in Australia, it is important to know the strong points of your destination. You can fully enjoy the sun and the waves on Australia's fine sandy beaches as the country offers a satisfactory climate. The great amateurs of snowy mountains and tropical forests will also find their account there. International students choose Australia for their education thanks to its internationally recognized university system. In addition, the American-style campuses that are invading Australia are all located in soothing settings conducive to study and relaxation. You can choose from a variety of environment-related courses at Australian universities. This is enough to explain how important nature is to the country.

The steps involved in moving to Australia

The steps to study in Australia concerning the choice of exchange programs between the chosen Australian university and your home university are to be validated by the university in France. In general, you obtain an Australian visa. The other reason to appreciate Australia is the ease of its administrative procedures related to obtaining a student visa. Indeed, you just need to gather a few administrative documents, including your passport, a proof of income, a health insurance, a good English certificate and a confirmation of enrolment for Overseas Students (to be requested from the host university in question). The student visa gives you the opportunity to work part-time during your studies. You can also work full-time during the holidays. You can also get a trainee visa if you plan to do an internship in Australia. The WHV visa or 416 visa are available online. Remember to prepare your expatriation in advance, some formalities may take a little longer than others.

The particularity of the Australian university system

Before starting to study in Australia, it is a good idea to find out about the country's university system. There are two categories of higher education in Australia. You have university studies using the European LMD system (Bachelor, Master and Doctorate), and professional studies VET or Vocational Education and Training. The diplomas obtained for the second category are the Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma (Baccalaureate to Baccalaureate + 2). Students can study according to the continuity of the French curriculum. The Australian state offers a great possibility to obtain an Australian diploma whether it is for a Bachelor's or Master's degree. The Australian system impresses by its great flexibility. Students can even reorient themselves once they have obtained their bachelor's degree. For example, a student with a Bachelor's degree in biology can do a Master's degree in international business in kangaroo country. For this reason, studying at university in this country offers various opportunities.

How to choose your Australian university

It is important to find out beforehand if you are planning to study in Australia. The process of studying in Australia can vary from one institution to another, although the basic steps are pretty much the same. The reputation of an Australian university should be taken into account when choosing an institution. It is also important to consider whether or not the university is a member of the Group of Eight or Go8. The group brings together Australia's top universities. University rankings are also something to look at. Some sites such as the QS World University Rankings or the Academic Ranking of World Universities allow you to find out more about the reputation of a university, or even its position in relation to certain French institutions. The geographical location of the university is also essential. To find a university that is located in the heart of Australia, it is best to consult sites specialized in university studies in this country. To conclude, it is necessary to have a letter of admission to study at the institution chosen by the student. Before leaving, it is necessary to check the validity of the passport according to the law imposed by the Australian embassy.